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Who is most responsible to evaluate and make recommendations for funding projects/approaches/inventions in early cancer detection with the highest potential to reduce cancer deaths and cost: Experts in particle detection, or Oncologists?
Because we have known for 68 years that early cancer detection can save 50% of deaths and the best medical imaging devices are based on particle detection, a significant improvement in early cancer detection, which means saving many lives, requires a breakthrough invention advancing the field of particle detection, increasing the efficiency in capturing good signals from radiation at the lowest cost per good signal captured.
A summary of the answer to the question above follows:
- WHO IS RESPONSIBLE? (The following is an ordered list from the most responsible to the least responsible)
- Experts in Particle Physics (If the named person is not responsible, please provide the reason and/or the name of those responsible)
- CERN Director of Research (Sergio Bertolucci, Bertolucci@cern.ch);
- S. Department of Energy, Office of High Energy Physics (James Siegrist, Jim.Siegrist@science.doe.gov);
- European Commission, Department for High Energy Physics (First Last Name, email)
- Chairmen and former Chairmen of IEEE-NSS-MIC-RTSD conferences (2014 Anthony Lavietes, lavietes@ieee.org, lavietes@llnl.gov; Edward Lampo, e.lampo@ieee.org; Ingrid Gregor, ingrid.gregor@desy.de; Adam Bernstein, Bernstein3@llnl.gov; 2013 Hee-Joung Kim, hjk1@yonsei.ac.kr; Steve Meikle, steven.meikle@sydney.edu.au; Gyuseong Cho, gscho@kaist.ac.kr; Ikuo Kanno, kanno@nucleng.kyoto-u.ac.jp)
- Government funding agencies (Clicca QUI per un elenco più esaustivo di chi finanzia la ricerca)
- S. Department of Energy, Office of Science (Patricia Dehmer, Patricia.Dehmer@science.doe.gov)
- S. National Institutes of Health – NIH Director (Francis Collins, Collinsf@od.nih.gov)
- NIH-NCI Director (Harold Varmus, varmushe@mail.nih.gov) NIH-NIBIB Director (Roderic Pettigrew, pettigrew@nih.gov)
- Texas State Senator Jane Nelson (nelson@senate.state.tx.us), leading the legislation of House Bill HB14, raising $3 billion and giving it to spend to the Cancer Prevention Research Institute of Texas (CPRIT), CEO Wayne Roberts, wroberts@cprit.state.tx.us
- European Commission, Director for Innovation (DROELL Peter, Droell@ec.europa.eu); Commissioner for Education (Androulla Vassiliou, Yiannakis.ASIMAKIS@ec.europa.eu), PHC 11 – 2015: New diagnostic tools and technologies (Alexandru-Sorin Costescu, Alexandru-Sorin.Costescu@ec.europa.eu)
- Delegates at CERN from member countries and from countries listed as Observers and the Minister of Research for these countries
- Media providing journalism in the public interest
- Media of the countries that are members or observers at CERN
- Media who are advocates for cancer patients in fighting to reduce cancer deaths and cost
- Katie Couric, journalist, TV personality, and well-known cancer advocate who raised $109 million on September 6, 2014, for cancer research: KatieCouricNewsletter@gmail.com, pr@omaze.com
- Cancer organizations, philanthropists and responsible citizens who care about the future for themselves and the loved ones
- List of cancer organizations
- Experts in Particle Physics (If the named person is not responsible, please provide the reason and/or the name of those responsible)
List of other associations who publicly express concern about fighting cancer