Information, Awareness, Prevention / United to End Cancer

EUROPEAN Parliamentary questions: In light of third-party measurements confirming the efficacy of the 3D-CBS invention, does the Commission plan to share an approved scientific study with operators and members of the public, in view of its potential?

EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT – Parliamentary questions

21 June 2021 (Translated in 24 languages)

Question for written answer E-003244/2021

to the Commission

Rule 138

Alessandro Panza (ID)

Subject: 3D-CBS project (Full document at:; in Italian:

The death rate from cancer is very high and the need to have effective early diagnosis tools available for large scale use is more essential than ever.

The European Union financed phase I of the WPET project, an overcoat for cancer screening weighing over 350 kg and to be worn for 24 hours. This has now been modified for phase II of the project with an application for over two million euro in funding for a jacket that is not suitable for early diagnosis and weighs 10 kg.

Twenty years ago a project for 3D-CBS (3D complete body screening) was devised. This has the following advantages: 1. it can identify clusters of around a hundred cancer cells before they grow to be a billion cells in 1 cm3 and would therefore save the lives of over 50 % of the people who take the screening test; 2. it only requires a very low level of radiation. In light of third-party measurements that confirm the efficacy of the 3D‑CBS invention, does the Commission plan to share an approved scientific study with operators and members of the public, in view of its potential?

What if you didn’t have to watch someone you love suffer

…or in many cases (10 million per year, one every 3 seconds)


Because it could be saved since 21 years

with the 3D-CBS cost-effective EARLY CANCER DETECTION?

(Express your disagreements supported by calculations and scientific evidence, but please do not ignore or suppress this document. Share it with leader who hold position of responsibility in science and in serving the public and humanity. Forward it to journalists, social-media, word-of-mouth).