Information, Awareness, Prevention / United to End Cancer

Dario B. Crosetto

Crosetto points out to BECA that It is illogical to plan to spend billions of EURO of taxpayer money without first proving the cancer screening test intended to be extended to all Europeans to be effective in reducing mortality rate on a sample population

European Beating Cancer Committee (BECA)

During the BECA Hearing on 18 March 2021 BECA wants to extend screening tests that do not show effectiveness on 90% of people in high risk groups to all countries, deceiving and impoverishing everyone

Dialogue between D.B. Crosetto & European Beating Cancer Committee (BECA)

This document in pdf at:

On Facebook at:

Subject: Illogical plan to spend billions of EURO without first proving the cancer screening test intended to be extended to all Europeans to be effective in reducing mortality rate

Dear member of the European Beating Cancer Committee (BECA),

This document has been sent to all members of the BECA Committee and to the BECA secretariat.

I respectfully request to provide instructions on how to formally submit the following document and the documents at its related links and receive a reference number that anyone can use to retrieve any of such documents upon request.

Your website at. related to the BECA Hearing on 18 March 2021: “Why screening and early detection of cancer matter” states:

“…even though screening and early detection can help save lives, big differences between and within EU countries exist regarding coverage and access to screening programmes.

 The number of people in risk groups who are tested varies from country to country: It ranges from 6% to 90% for breast cancer… “  

However, because experimental data show that when by chance a breast cancer is detected at an early stage the survival rate is 98%, do you have data showing that countries who are testing 90% of people in risk groups for breast cancer using the devices and procedures you are funding are effective screening tests reducing the mortality rate more than 50% with respect to those who test only 6%?

What about cancer at the other organs such as lung, colon, pancreas, prostate, liver, kidney, etc. Do you have a Medical Imaging Device or procedure covering all organs of the body that is safe to the patient for screening and that is effective to detect most of cancers in the entire body?

If the answer is NO! and you do not have data showing that you are using tools such as mammogram, PSA, etc. for single organs, nor for all organs that can cut more than half the mortality rate by testing 90% of people in risk groups why do you want to extend it to the 6% of people, illuding, deceiving and impoverishing everyone?

Wouldn’t be logical first analyze innovations/projects that can prove with calculations and scientific evidence to be effective for a safe, low-cost early cancer detection, fund the project, test it on 0.2% of the European population (90,000 people) and only when proven effective in reducing cancer deaths and costs, plan to spend billions of EURO to extend it to the entire European population assuring equal access to all countries?

 This cost/effective device, the 3D-CBS (3-D Complete Body Screening) ( was invented 21 years ago. Its technological advantages and benefits supported by calculations and scientific evidence could not be refuted by anyone and year after year are proven by third party to be correct in detecting clusters (small tumors) with only 100 cancerous cells, while the less efficient and more expensive copies of the 3D-CBS are used to increase cancer business. While the $200/test on the 3D-CBS can save over 260 lives per machine per year, reducing the cost per life saved to 1/80 with the potential to save from cancer over 20 million lives and over €2 trillion in EUROPE in 30 years by building 4000 units 3D-CBS in 11 years and additional 800 units in the following 19 years to replace the old machines. (See details at the end of this document).

 Why BECA is planning to spend billions of EURO on screening procedures not effective to reduce cancer deaths and costs and is not funding my 3D-CBS that can prove saving millions of lives and trillions of EURO?

It is illogical to plan to spend billions of EURO of taxpayer money to extend to all Europeans a breast cancer screening test and many other screening tests that cannot provide effectiveness in reducing cancer deaths without first proving the screening test intended to be extended to all Europeans to be effective in reducing mortality rate more than 50% on a sample population.

 Besides illuding and deceiving 90% of the people in high risk groups of the countries who perform those screening tests, extending to the other 6% it is only impoverishing everyone else?

 The European Beating Cancer Committee (BECA) original DRAFT report “Strengthening Europe in the fight against cancer – towards a comprehensive and coordinated strategy” (  presented by Veronique Trillet-Lenoire on July 15th 2021, and the 1,537 amendments considered on October 14th, 2021, do not ask for a plan estimating the efficacy of each proposal and strategy in reducing cancer deaths and healthcare costs.

On behalf of taxpayers and cancer patients I respectfully request to address the following issues and those described in my previous emails reported below and I respectfully request to include them within the amendments to maximize benefits to humanity.

450 million Europeans want to know from scientists what works best
in reducing suffering, deaths and costs of cancer

 EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT – Parliamentary questions

21 June 2021 (Translated in 24 languages)

The answer is provided through the Dialogue

Dialogue between Dario Crosetto and BECA experts in strategies showing calculations and scientific evidence on how each project/procedure can quantitatively reduce cancer deaths and costs in 3, 5, 10, 20, 30 years and compare it with the 3D-CBS invention/project

 On October 31st, 2021 I submitted the following:

This document in pdf at:

On Facebook at:

On the Blog at:

Dear member of the BECA committee,

It is illogical to plan to spend billions of EURO of taxpayer money funding proposals and strategies claiming to Beat Cancer without requesting a plan estimating the efficacy of each proposal and strategy in reducing cancer deaths and healthcare costs and, after funding a plan to measure such efficacy on a sample population in a specific location showing significant reduction in cancer deaths and costs compare to the years before in the same location and compared to other locations where such plan is not implemented.

The answer is provided through the Dialogue

Dialogue between Dario Crosetto and IEEE at the Workshop:

Challenges moving from the lab bench to clinical practice for nuclear medicine

held online from Japan on 23 October 2021

 Following I am providing the result of the Dialogue at the most important international conference in the world in this field with scientists who have the responsibility to determine scientifically what works best in reducing cancer deaths and costs.

In pdf at: Screenshots at:, in-depth dialogue at:


On September 27th, 2021, I provided:

  1. line-by-line questions/comments to items 31-41 of the Chapter II of your BECA DRAFT 2020/2267(INI) ( My questions/comments can be found in the pdf document at: or below in an image document
  1. irrefutable references that ITALY has a cancer cost of €20 billion per year, while the population is constant and the number of cancer deaths per year are slightly increasing instead of decreasing. This proves that the €20 billion per year are not spent effectively to reduce cancer deaths and costs. 
  1. I am providing a detailed strategic plan that can be tested with existing, very expensive devices at a very high cost of $10,000 per examination, which are copies of my 3D-CBS invention. However, funding my 3D-CBS invention then will cost only $200 per screening test, my claims of the lives and money saved can be verified experimentally on 0.02% of the European population (90,000 people per year) and then extend it to the 450 million population.
  1. I am providing the summary of the strategic plan to save from cancer over 2.6 million lives and over €355 billion in ITALY in 30 years by building 450 units 3D-CBS in 8 years and additional 100 units in the following 22 years to replace the old machines. 
  1. I am providing the summary of the strategic plan to save from cancer over 20 million lives and over €2 trillion in EUROPE in 30 years by building 4000 units 3D-CBS in 11 years and additional 800 units in the following 19 years to replace the old machines.

The following document in pdf at:

On Facebook at:

On the Blog at:


September 26th, 2021

Subject: Letter to EU-BECA Committee in regard the 27 Sept. 2021 meeting’s objective: “Turning the tide on cancer: the view of the National Parliaments on Europe’s Beating Cancer Plan“. Submission of a plan to save from cancer over 2.6 million lives and over €355 billion in ITALY and over 20 million lives and over €2 trillion in EUROPE in 30 years. I respectfully request to allow me to present my strategic plan in an oral presentation to the members of the BECA Committee and give me the opportunity to answer their questions.

Dear Honorable Bartosz ARLUKOWICZ,

Dear Honorable Véronique TRILLET – LENOIR

Dear M? Gabriel (???) who started a dialogue by answering the European Parliamentary Question E-003244/2021

Dear Ms. Stella KYRIAKIDES, European Commissioner for Health and Food Safety

Dear Ms. Iva DIMIC, Chair of the Sub-committee on Monitoring Cancer in the Republic of Slovenia

Dear member of the BECA committee,

On September 8th, 2021, before your meeting Chaired by Honorable Batosz ARLUKOWICZ, for the creation pf the European Health Data Space and the Chemical Strategy for Sustainability, I sent you the letter which is also available:


On July 15th, 2021, before your meeting, when BECA Rapporteur Véronique Trillet-Lenoir presented her draft report “Strengthening Europe in the fight against cancer – towards a comprehensive and coordinated strategy” ( to the Members of the Beating Cancer Committee and with John-F Ryan, Director Public Health, DG SANTE. The meeting will be live streamed, I sent you the letter which is also available:


Following I provide more details about each of the above items submitted on September 27th, 2021, however, I would like to have the opportunity to explain more details and answer your questions in an oral presentation.


  1. line-by-line questions/comments to items 31-41 of the Chapter II of your BECA DRAFT 2020/2267(INI) (  
  1. Global annual cancer cost in Italy vs. mortality rate:

ITALY spends €20 billion per year on cancer (, while the only time that there has been a decrease in cancer deaths in Italy has been treaty of 1,134 lives saved between 2012 and 2013 (, while in other years cancer deaths increased in the absence of a population increase (, so the €20 billion/year mainly increased the cancer business (while there are people on the front line who give body and soul, work for free, and some even give their lives, such as doctors, nurses, law enforcement, and public service workers who died of COVID-19 to save others, even without resources, to alleviate cancer suffering and mortality).

  1. An exam on the EXPLORER costs over $10,000 ( instead of $200 on the 3D-CBS (, 50 times less). Funding my 3D-CBS invention then will cost only $200 per screening test, my claims of the lives and money saved can be verified experimentally on 0.02% of the European population (90,000 people per year) and then extend it to the 450 million population. Anyone claiming a reduction of cancer death and cost, whether a drug, vaccine, diagnostic device combined with treatment, etc., should present a plan to test at least 10,000 people ages 55-74 taken from a location where the cancer mortality rate has been constant for the past 20 years. A difference or no difference in the mortality rate will quantify the success or failure of the proposed solution. Taking as reference experimental data confirmed by WHO (World Health Organization), NCI (National Cancer Institute) and ACS (American Cancer Society) as well as many universities that cancer has a survival rate of up to 98% when detected at an early stage, and assuming a conservative figure for the 3D-CBS to offer a success rate above 58%, then each 3D-CBS device is expected to save over 260 lives each year, according to the calculations described below. Assuming the death rate in the age group 55 to 74 for the past 20 years is 0.5% in the location where the test is planned (this data can be verified), then of the 90,000 individuals, 450 are expected to die. If we apply the factor 58% survival rate due to early detection with the 3D-CBS device combined with successful treatment, each year the 3D-CBS device could save over 260 lives (450 x 58% = 261).
  1. I am providing the summary of the strategic plan to save from cancer over 2.6 million lives and over €355 billion in ITALY in 30 years by building 450 units 3D-CBS in 8 years and additional 100 units in the following 22 years to replace the old machines.

Grafico della stima delle vite salvate e del business per 30 anni quando si utilizza l-apparecchiatura 3D-CBS. Sullo sfondo e’ riportata la tabella da cui sono stati generati i grafici a cui si può accedere e modificare in modo interattivo all’indirizzo: Questa tabella è uno strumento molto potente per progettare un piano strategico per diversi dispositivi (EXPLORER, 3D-CBS, Siemens Biograph Vision Quadra, ecc.), prodotti, vaccini, farmaci o procedure e calcolare l’efficacia in 30 anni nell’obiettivo di ridurre la mortalità prematura da cancro ed i costi relativi stimati teoricamente nella riga 16. Effettuando misure anno dopo anno su apparecchiature reali e implementando il protocollo di test proposto, i valori nella riga 16 vengono corretti fornendo una stima più piu’ precisa del numero totale di vite salvate e costi risparmiati in 30 anni. L’utente di questa tabella deve introdurre i valori nelle righe 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 e 12, che sono facili da determinare da calcoli riferiti a dati sperimentali o prodotti esistenti. I dati introdotti nella riga 13 che stimano il numero totale di unità prodotte ogni anno per raggiungere 564 unità in 30 anni potrebbero incontrare lo stesso scetticismo del COVID-19 dell’anno scorso. Tuttavia, quando il mondo si rende conto dell’importanza e dell’urgenza di salvare milioni di vite, anche i problemi più difficili vengono risolti. Se in meno di un anno diverse aziende sono state in grado di produrre miliardi di vaccini, maschere e PPE per combattere il COVID-19, il problema di produrre 564 unità 3D-CBS sembrerebbe un lavoro relativamente facile.

  1. I am providing the summary of the strategic plan to save from cancer over 20 million lives and over €2 trillion in EUROPE in 30 years by building 4000 units 3D-CBS in 11 years and additional 800 units in the following 19 years to replace the old machines

Graph of the estimated lives saved and revenues plan for 30 years when using the 3D-CBS device. In the background is the table from which the graphs have been generated that can be accessed and modified interactively at: This table is a very powerful tool to design a strategic plan for different devices (EXPLORER, 3D-CBS, Siemens Biograph Vision Quadra, etc.), products, vaccines, drugs, or procedures, and calculate the efficacy over 30 years for the proposed claimed reductions in cancer deaths and costs estimated theoretically in row 16. As measurements are performed year after year on real devices and by implementing the proposed test protocol, values in row 16 are corrected providing a more accurate estimate of the total number of lives and costs saved in 30 years. The user of this table needs to introduce the values in rows 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, and 12, which are easy to determine from calculations referring to existing experimental data or products. Data introduced in row 13 estimating the total number of units manufactured each year to reach 4,809 units in 30 years might face the same skepticism as COVID-19 faced last year. However, when the world realizes the importance and urgency of saving millions of lives, even the most challenging problems are solved. If in less than one year several companies were able to produce billions of COVID-19 vaccines, masks, and PPEs, the problem of producing 4,809 3D-CBS units would be a comparatively easy job.

I assumed that Ms Gabriel who provided the written answer to the Parliamentary Question -E-003244/2021 must be an expert on Cancer, member of the BECA committee. It would be important to have a dialogue with her, could you provide her family name and her contact information so we could organize a public debate on this very important issue?

I am looking forward to receive your response indicating a date and time I can present my strategic plan at the European Beating Cancer Committee in Brussels.

Kind Regards,

Dario Crosetto

President of the Crosetto Foundation for the reduction in cancer deaths –

DeSoto, TX 75115 – USA