Information, Awareness, Prevention / United to End Cancer

Dario B. Crosetto

What kind of Chemicals Strategy for Sustainability can be presented if there is no proof of efficacy in significantly reducing cancer deaths and costs?


Chair of BECA, presides the meeting on 9 September 2021 for the creation of the European Health Data Space and the Chemicals Strategy for Sustainability

Dialogue between D.B. Crosetto & European Beating Cancer Committee (BECA)

This document in pdf at:

Dear member of the BECA committee,

On July 15t, 2021, before your previous meeting:

BECA Rapporteur Véronique Trillet-Lenoir will present her draft report “Strengthening Europe in the fight against cancer – towards a comprehensive and coordinated strategy” ( to the Members of the Beating Cancer Committee and with John-F Ryan, Director Public Health, DG SANTE. The meeting will be live streamed (click on the link below).

I sent to all members of the BECA Committee the email available at remarking the following:

Chapter II of your BECA DRAFT 2020/2267(INI) presented today, titled “Inconclusive screening and detection of cancer” items 31-41 are mentioning the word screening many times, however, what is missing is a device effective for cancer screening. (

My proposal is to build my 3D-CBS invention and test its effectiveness on a sample population.

Please let me know your assessment about my strategy to significantly reduce cancer deaths and cost.”

I have not received a response.

Have you tested the efficacy in cancer deaths and cost reduction on a sample population in a specific area of the procedure you listed in items 31-41 of your report

Do you have a study with calculations proving that a specific procedure, screening test, device for early detection, drug, etc., will slash cancer deaths and costs when tested on a sample population in a specific area? If not, how can you claim that on September 27th, 2021, you will be “Turning the tide on cancer: the view of the national parliaments on Europe’s Beating Cancer Plan”?

What kind of Chemicals Strategy for Sustainability can be presented on September 9th, 2021, if there is no proof of efficacy in significantly reducing cancer deaths and costs?

Could you please provide the name of experts in this field who can sustain a discussion, verify calculations and the scientific solidity of a strategic plan that when put into practice and tested on a sample population in a specific area will show a significant cancer deaths and costs reduction?

Please ask you experts to provide comments and eventually any disagreements in my calculations and strategic plan to save over 100 million lives and over $27 trillion in the next 30 years. As summarized in an abstract of 280 words and proven in more detail in three referenced documents. I also report the detailed calculation of the $200 screening test with the 3D-CBS (3-D Complete Body Screening) on a sample population.

I assumed that Ms Gabriel who provided the written answer to the Parliamentary Question -E-003244/2021 must be an expert on Cancer, member of the BECA committee. It would be important to have a dialogue with her, could you provide her family name and her contact information so we could organize a public debate on this very important issue?

Kind Regards,

Dario Crosetto

President of the Crosetto Foundation for the reduction in cancer deaths – DeSoto, TX 75115 – USA


The article “INTERNATIONAL INTRIGUE: The 20 billion annually spent on cancer in Italy must not create a competition between researchers but a union in publicly discussing strategic plans that can defeat the common enemy that is cancer”   published on 2021 July-August issue of the Italian magazine “Il Previdente” reports the inconsistencies and roadblock holding back innovations.

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