Information, Awareness, Prevention / United to End Cancer

Dario B. Crosetto

Asking Her Highness to guarantee scientific transparency and making the scientific truth emerge from open scientific forum

Her Royal Highness The Princess Royal Anne of Edinburgh

She hold the position of Chancellor, the highest in the University of Edinburgh who confers degrees and enhances the profile and reputation of the University on national and global levels

Logic & Science Based Dialogue between D.B. Crosetto and The Princess Royal Anne of Edinburgh

September 19th, 2021

Her Royal Highness The Princess Royal Anne of Edinburgh,

As you hold the position of Chancellor, the highest in the University of Edinburgh who confers degrees and enhances the profile and reputation of the University on national and global levels, I would like to bring to your attention some facts that are related to the international scientific event taking place at your University.

On behalf of cancer patients and taxpayers I respectfully would like to ask your help to guarantee scientific transparency and making the scientific truth emerge from open scientific forum.

I have tried my best to address scientific issues with Dr. Adriana Tavares, member of the organizing committee at your University of Edinburg. When these issues are ignored they are causing the pain, suffering of millions of people.

I related her my recent experience of witnessing the suffering for six months of a person very dear to me who had a tumor of 2.5 cm with over 2 billion cells that was undetected by all existing medical imaging devices, while 21 years ago I invented the 3D-CBS technology capable of detecting tumors with fewer than 100 cancerous cells but it continues to be ignored and being suppressed from letting me present it at conference and being discussed in round tables and forum at conferences participated by scientists in the field, influential in determining the direction of research.

To implement transparency in science and make the scientific truth for the benefit of humanity emerge, I have aske the organizers from the University of Edinburgh of the Total body PET from September 22nd to 24th, 2021, the following:

On behalf of cancer patients and taxpayers, I respectfully ask the organizers of the 2021 Total Body PET to let me present in 45-50 minutes my three inventions 3D-Flow, 3D-CBS and TB-CAD and to include the following questions to be asked to the presenters during the five round table discussions (on 9-23-2021, two parallel round table discussions of 30 minutes from 13:50 to 14:20, one round table discussion of 20 minutes from 16:00 to 16:20; on 9-24-2021, one round table discussion of 30 minutes from 14:30 to 15:50 and another round table discussion of 30 minutes from 15:20 to 16:50). The organizers should send an email to all presenters at least one day before their presentation, telling they should answer these 4 questions during the round table.


  1. What is your estimated reduction of cancer deaths and costs you expect to attain when your work/research/project is tested stand alone or in conjunction with other projects (please specify which projects) on a sample population of at least 10,000 people in the age group 55 to 74 taken from a location where, in the previous 20 years, the mortality rate was constant?


  1. How does your project compare with Crosetto’s 3D-CBS project that has a potential to save over 260 lives per year per machine, reducing 80 times the cost per life saved and with the potential to save over 100 million lives and over $27 trillion in 30 years?


  1. Are there any figures or claims in Crosetto’s 280-word abstract, three references and one figure that you need clarification or you disagree?


  1. Because of the high stake in lives and money saved by Crosetto’s inventions, do you think it should be discussed in every round table and forum of experts in the field to remove skepticism, so that he can receive funding and test it on a sample population and accelerate the transfer of the benefits from his inventions to the bed of the patient?

 Following are a few excerpts (full letter at: from the email sent to Adriana Tavares and the organizers from Edinburgh University hosting the 2021 online and 2022 in-person Total Body PET Conference.

Dear Adriana, Do you want to go back 500 years when all the influential scientists and decision maker gave a score to suppress Galileo’s book “The Dialogue Concerning the Two Chief World Systems” ( comparing the Copernican (heliocentric) system with the traditional Ptolemaic (geocentric) system, because they did not want to address the issue? Galileo was supporting his claims with calculations, observations, scientific evidence, while the entire scientific community and the decision makers of his time did not want to address scientifically these issues, they just suppressed his book for 100 years.

Likewise, I have supported my claims with calculations and scientific evidence in books, articles, documents, emails, etc., but you and your colleagues during the past 20 years have used underhanded actions to suppress my inventions from being discussed in a public forum among the influential decision makers in the field.

On September 17th, 2021, THE WALL STREET JOURNAL published and article titled: “Former Theranos Chemist Says Elizabeth Holmes Was Aware of Testing Failures” ( For this deliberate suppression of transparency, suppression of the scientific truth and deceiving the public that cause much less suffering and deaths than the 21 years suppression of my book and my inventions 3D-Flow and 3D-CBS from being presented and discussed at forums at scientific conferences, Elizabeth Holmes faces a sentence of up to 20 years in prison.

Will these scientists who suppressed my inventions declare themselves incompetent in making calculations and understanding data from scientific evidence or interrogations of witnesses like in the case of Elizabeth Holmes will prove that they were competent and understood what works and what doesn’t work in saving lives and costs and they deliberately choose the latter to fulfill their different agenda that will turn out to be breaking the law?

On 8/23/21 – I receive an email from “Mark MacAskill, on behalf of the Total-Body PET 2021-2022 Organising Committee” stating the following:

There will be no additional paper or publication of the abstracts for this online meeting. The abstracts will be disseminated among the attendees of the conference nearer to the event.

Best wishes,

Mark MacAskill, on behalf of the Total-Body PET 2021-2022 Organising Committee

What really is this event “Total-Body PET 2021-2022 ”? Where is the scientific accountability and ethics?

No paper published, no abstracts published before the Conference. Adriana Tavares in her email tells me that abstracts are selected based “on independent peer review score”, which means secret, anonymous reviewers give a score instead of countering calculations and scientific evidence of an author with theirs. Are the high scores given to Vanderberghe’s friend from Ghent, Roel van Holen who is the CTO of two companies MOLECUBES and XEOS and is an invited speakers to present his products because his MOLECUBE can save more than 260 lives per machine per year and reduce the cost per life saved over 80 time like my 3D-CBS can provide? If this is the case, then I take back this remark, if not I am puzzled how his score was determined, if he does not provide staggering benefits in saving lives and healthcare costs.

The website of the Total Body PET leverages the credential of the ancestors of Her Royal Highness The Princess Royal Anne stating the following “This superb venue will be the home of the next Total-body PET conference in 2021!” ( ) A striking feature of the McEwan Hall is its large dome with the following inscription: “Wisdom is the principal thing, therefore get wisdom, and with all thy getting, get understanding. Exalt her and she shall bring thee to honour.”

It seems we are in the same path Elizabeth Holmes was leveraging names and fooled Henry Kissinger ( and George Shultz (; former U.S. Secretary of Defense, William Perry; former U.S. Senator, Sam Nunn; U.S. Senator and heart-transplant surgeon, Bill Frist; Admiral, USN, retired, Gary Roughead; General, USMC, James Mattis; former Wells Fargo Chairman and CEO, Richard Kovacevich, and many others were deceived, together with the public were caught in the HYPE of Elizabeth Holmes’ SUCCESS in 2014.

What could be the scientific contribution of this conference? It seems like it would be a place where some friends of the organizers have an opportunity to advertise with a video their products and leverage on the ancestors of Her Royal Highness The Princess Royal Anne of Edinburgh, and on Herself who hold the position of Chancellor, the highest in the University of Edinburgh who confers degrees and enhances the profile and reputation of the University on national and global levels, kind of endorsing their work.

More facts:

On 7/22/2021 I receive the message

From: TBPET Conference <>
Sent: Thursday, July 22, 2021 12:08 PM
To: TBPET Conference <>
Subject: Total-Body PET 2021 ; Abstract outcome – Poster presentation

Congratulations! We’re delighted to let you know that the Total-Body PET 2021 Abstract Review Committee has selected your abstract for poster presentation at the upcoming Total-Body PET 2021 meeting, which will take place on the 22nd to the 24th September 2021. Your abstract was scored by a minimum of three different Reviewers and judged against all other abstract submissions.

e-Posters should be size A4 and in landscape orientation. The Total-Body PET 2021 conference will be hosted online with Cameron support. We will be in touch with further details on how to submit this e-Poster and how to use the online meeting platform in due course. The virtual poster session will take place during the networking break on the second day of the conference (please see preliminary agenda attached).

No more news about my abstract that was accepted but it was not shown anywhere in the TBPET website, not event the title as the other presentations.

From: <>
Sent: Monday, September 13, 2021 7:47 PM
To: ‘TBPET Conference’ <>
Subject: RE: Total-Body PET 2021 ; Abstract outcome – Poster presentation

Hi Mark,

i received the following message from the Total-Body PET Organizers, I followed their instruction and I registered, however, I could not find the titles and authors of the other e-posters presentations as you listed in the program for the other oral presentations, so everyone can make plans to attend the presentation they are interested.

Please can you help me to find them on your website?

Thank you,

Kind Regards,


TBPET Organizers are stating in the following email that none of the accepted e-Posters, titles and authors has been posted yet anywhere and because he indicates that Monday, September 20th, or Tuesday, Sept. 21st, 2021, they will post the final version of the program, there is time to include the modification of my talk of 45 to 50 minutes.

From: TBPET Conference <>
Sent: Tuesday, September 14, 2021 9:03 AM
Subject: Re: Total-Body PET 2021 ; Abstract outcome – Poster presentation

Hi Dario,

A finalised program will be made available in due course, before the start of the meeting. We hope to have this circulated by the end of this week, or the start of next week at the latest.



Her Royal Highness The Princess Royal Anne of Edinburgh,

On behalf of the people who suffer and die needlessly from cancer while we have a solution since 21 years that could have saved over 50% of the people who would have taken a test on the 3D-CBS, I respectfully would like to ask your help to guarantee scientific transparency and making the scientific truth emerge from open scientific forum at your University asking the organizers of the 2021 Total Body Conference to ask presenters the 4 questions reported at page 1 and 2 of this letter.


Dario Crosetto.

President of the Crosetto Foundation for the Reduction of Cancer Deaths

900 Hideaway Pl.

DeSoto, TX, 75115 – USA


This superb venue will be the home of the next Total-body PET conference in 2021!” ( )

A striking feature of the McEwan Hall is its large dome with the following inscription:

 “Wisdom is the principal thing, therefore get wisdom, and with all thy getting, get understanding. Exalt her and she shall bring thee to honour.”