Information, Awareness, Prevention / United to End Cancer

Dario B. Crosetto

Crosetto asks Members of the European Parliament to enforce accountability in the BECA report requesting recipients of the 4 billion Euro per year to verify, with an efficacy test on a sample population, in a specific area, the reduction of the number of cancer deaths and costs

MEPs European Parliament

705 Members of the European Parliament are voting on 15 February 2011 the BECA Report that plans to spend 4 billion Euros per year of taxpayer money without requesting recipients of this money to quantify the estimated reduction of cancer deaths and costs

Dialogue between D.B. Crosetto & the Members of the European Parliament

This document in pdf at:

Only 16 Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) out of 705 signed the submission of 15 amendments ( enforcing accountability in the BECA report ( (called BEating CAncer) spending 4 billion taxpayer Euros every year


(If you are a MEP who has not read the 15 amendments, please read them and let me know at if you agree on enforcing accountability on BECA report, or give reasons if you disagree on those 15 amendments. Media agreeing on accountability on strategic cancer plans that should first estimate and, after receiving funding, measure effectiveness in reducing cancer deaths and costs on a sample population, before wasting money and deceiving taxpayers and cancer patients extending the use of ineffective tools and procedures worldwide, are encouraged to publish this document. People active on social media are also welcome to share this document).


On behalf of taxpayers and cancer patients I thank those 16 MEPs who placed their signature on the submission amendments.


The BECA report plans to spend 4 billion Euros per year of taxpayer money without requesting recipients of this money to quantify in a table ( (to be updated by real measurements after funding) the estimated benefits in the reduction of cancer deaths and costs that taxpayers will receive every year from their proposed project/procedure.


The BECA report does not request the recipients of the 4 billion Euro per year to verify, with an efficacy test on a sample population, in a specific area, the reduction of the number of cancer deaths and costs they can attain every year with their project/procedure.


In the event recipients of the 4 billion Euros per year are not able to show efficacy in significantly reducing cancer deaths and costs compared to other projects, funding of their project/procedure should be stopped and money diverted to other projects that can.


When there is a calamity like cancer taking 1.3 million lives every year in Europe, the role of the rabbit (inventor with a solution to the problem) chasing the carrot (705 MEPs approving BECA’s 4 billion/year spending) should be reversed.


Cancer is taking worldwide more than 10 million lives per year, more premature deaths than cardiovascular disease and more than any other cause of deaths. In comparison Covid-19 deaths worldwide in 2020 were 1.8 million and in 2021 were 3.1 million.


For fewer deaths/year, Governments took responsibility to address the problem becoming the rabbit chasing the carrot. They paid attention to all possible solutions, reviewing publicly all of them, funding the most promising, informing the public on the efficacy test results on a sample population of a few hundreds, than in 1,500 volunteers (, than in 40,000 followed by 100,000 and by millions.


Newspapers have spent rivers of ink and media have spent millions of hours of airtime to talk about different solutions for Covid-19. …and governments have been prepared to spend trillions of dollars on a death toll of 5 million lives in two years, but what about the more than 170 million cancer deaths since the year 2000 when I invented the 3D-CBS (3-D Complete Body Screening) capable of detecting s tumor with only 100 cancer cells that could have saved more than 50% of those who would take the screening test?


What is needed to bring the benefits of my inventions to the bed of the patient and defeat cancer is a wealthy person who wants to do good, a group of MEPs, or a leader who really wants to defeat cancer like Winston Churchill wanted to defeat Hitler during World War II and had invited inventors such as Robert Watson Watt who was pioneering the development of the radar and Alan Turing who invented the electromechanical machine that could help to break the German Enigma messages.  After realizing that they were going nowhere with the proper peer-review system, Winston Churchill and his scientific advisors with great responsibility toward the public heard directly their arguments and the arguments of their colleagues who were not funding Watt and Turing idea/project and decided to finance them directly (


I invented the 3D-CBS and published it in the year 2000 in the book “400+ times improved PET efficiency for lower-dose radiation, lower-cost cancer screening” ISBN 0-9702897-0-7 (, with examples of additional benefits for saving lives and costs in the 2020 article ( I have built in hardware circuits the proof of concepts that show feasibility and functionality and in 2015 I provided 59 quotes from reputable companies demonstrating the feasibility to build a complete 3D-CBS device. Instead of funding it, influential scientists from three U.S. Universities were able to appropriate $15.5 million of taxpayer money in a single grant through National Institutes of Health, but because they did not know how to build my idea, they gave the money to the Chinese to copy it.


However, these scientists gave the Chinese wrong instructions resulting in the EXPLORER device not suitable for screening to save many lives but mainly to be used for research and development of new drugs. The 3D-CBS, on the other hand, is suitable for screening to save many lives and reduce cancer costs and also for research and development of new drugs because it offers the five features/advantages of Amendment 10 (more detailed at simultaneously that no other device can offer.


The Chinese copy called EXPLORER (two units built: one installed in Shanghai, China and the other at UCDAVIS in Sacramento, California) less efficient and more expensive than the 3D-CBS (one exam on the EXPLORER costs €10,000, while on the 3D-CBS it costs only €200 was instrumental in proving that it is capable of detecting tumors with 100 cancer cells since it was measured by third parties in 2019 and published on JNM, Vol. 60 – No. 3, March 2019, pp. 299-303. However, the EXPLORER is not suitable for screening to save many lives, instead the 3D-CBS is cost-effective for early cancer detection because it requires very low radiation and the low cost of the 2-minute screening test of only €200/test.


The 705 MEPs have a duty and responsibility to chase the solution of the cancer problem by asking their 100+ experts in cancer research to express their agreements/disagreements to my claims and calculations that my 3D-CBS invention, with a 2-minute screening test at €200/test, covering all organs of the body, can find tumors having fewer than 100 cancer cells saving millions of lives and trillions of Euros (



The MEPs who deny accountability in the BECA report by denying the funding of my life-saving 3D-CBS invention to prove its effectiveness at solving the cancer problem with a test on a sample population that their 100+ experts in cancer research cannot invalidate with calculations and scientific evidence, continue to BEtray CAregivers (and cancer patients) who believe in alleviating cancer suffering and mortality. Many caregivers volunteer on the front lines, giving body and soul, and some even their lives to save others, but are powerless as they watch their patients die because do not receive the appropriate tools and strategic plans showing effectiveness in saving lives and reducing costs.


The MEPs and the experts they trust who do not believe that my 3D-CBS device, which can detect anomalous biological processes of tumors with only 100 cancer cells before they change morphology (tissue density) and then base a diagnosis on the trend of several such screening tests at €200/test, is better at detecting tumors than the CT, MRI, Mammography, Ultrasound, etc. which detect tumors only when they change morphology (tissue density) and cancer cells have increased to millions (a few millimeters) or a billion (1 cm3), should let science happen and better serve taxpayers by providing me the funding to build two or three units of my 3D-CBS invention and let the experimental results be the judge.


The MEPs and the experts they trust who do not believe my calculations and scientific evidence ( that each 3D-CBS unit can save over 260 lives per year and reduce the cost for each life saved to 1/80th  the current amount and has the potential to save over 20 million lives and over 2.1 trillion Euros in 30 years in Europe, but do not have calculations and scientific arguments to invalidate my calculations and claims (, should let science happen, and better serve taxpayers by providing me the funding to build two or three units of my 3D-CBS invention and let the experimental results be the judge.


As readers study in depth the 15 amendments (, and ask me questions, they will realize how radical changes do not only revolutionize the fight against cancer, but revolutionize medicine.


Readers will notice that I did not make a generic use of adjectives and wishes for achieving great improvements in healthcare, but there is a concrete backbone summarized in Amendment 13, providing an unprecedented tool that can acquire data simultaneously from all biological processes over the entire body at a radiation dose equivalent to 3-5 intercontinental flight and at a cost of €200/test.


With these real data, analyzed by the TB-CAD (Total Body Computer-Aided Diagnosis) one can talk about a concrete , reliable, effective low cost “personalized medicine” of Amendment 14 (see the link for more details) and, when large Government Institutions will use the TB-CAD to analyze petabyte of data from thousands of patients of Amendment 15 (like CERN does for particles), then, from this analysis, we can really learn how the human body works and find better cures not only for cancer but for many diseases.


Before this can happen there needs to be the 3D-CBS device that can provide simultaneously the five features/advantages of Amendment 10.


Including these 15 amendments in the BECA report would have been an historical step in making a concrete paradigm change in the fight against cancer and in revolutionizing medicine that would be remembered by future generations.


The original structure of the BECA report ( is divided into a group for “citation”, a group for “Recital” and then 193 articles.


I provided 15 amendments in the following areas:


  • Four Amendments on the citations:
  1. Amendment 1 and 2 is providing the dialogue with a top cancer surgeon in the world from one of the major cancer hospitals in Europe and from one of the major hospitals in the world which has brought together 6 Nobel Laureates in the last 35 years (
  2. Amendment 3 and its reference provide the blueprint of my 3D-CBS invention (gl/ggGGwF) that no one has refuted, and has been acclaimed in public reviews. By including this blueprint document, politicians have a chance to ask scientists to express their disagreements with my 3D-CBS, and to ask them how their project can provide more advantages in significantly reducing cancer deaths and costs.
  3. Amendment 4, and its reference, provide scientific credibility that I have presented and discussed my invention with CERN scientists and I have letters of endorsement and approval from Nobel Laureate, Director of research centers, Division Leaders, Group Leaders, etc. (


  • Seven Amendments on the RECITALs that are providing information of current data and facts.


  • Four Amendments on the articles of the BECA rules that need to be changed to make recipients of the 4 billion Euro per year accountable and to actively seek projects to fund that can solve the cancer problem by making the scientific truth emerge for the benefit of Europeans.


Chronological sequence of events:


On the morning of February 8th, 2022, I sent to 705 European Parliamentarian ( the one-page message (, asking for their support of the15 amendments ( before the 1:00 pm deadline of February 9th, 2022. I attached the 15 Amendments to my email together with a detailed letter ( that I had previously discussed on February 4th, 2022 with one of the top cancer surgeons of one of the most prestigious hospitals in the world which brought together 6 Nobel Laureates in the last 35 years. There are many medical doctors among the MEPs who are invited to express their agreements/disagreements on the facts, data and logic reported in


Several assistants of a Member of the European Parliament worked very hard going office-to-office in the building of the European Parliament in Brussels during the afternoon of 2/8/2022 and the morning of 2/9/2022 and made many phone calls trying to collect signatures to support the submission of the 15 amendments regarding a subject that was not new to the Members of the European Parliaments because I have informed them on this subject for several years with direct emails and posts on social media, but the Parliamentary assistants received many “No’s”, and were only able to collect 16 signatures.


Members of the European Parliament who disagree on the 15 Amendments ( and/or my breakthrough 3D-Flow, 3D-CBS and TB-CAD inventions that can save millions of lives and trillions of dollars should express their disagreements or having the professionals in the field they trust to express their disagreements rather than denying funding and even denying to include in the agenda of issues that I should discuss with decision makers at the European Union, preventing taxpayers from receiving their benefits.