Information, Awareness, Prevention / United to End Cancer

Dario B. Crosetto

Crosetto asks the Advisor to Member of the European Parliament Valentina Barbuto, what are the priority commitments of Members of the European Parliament with respect to saving over 20 million lives from cancer deaths and over €2,000 billion in 30 years

Valentina Barbuto

Advisor to Member of the European Parliament, who on Nov. 8, 2021, explained in a 45-minute zoom-meeting to Dario Crosetto how the procedure to form a new BECA Committee works that can create a new Cancer Instit. that can appropriate billions of Euros from taxpayers
Dialogue between D.B. Crosetto & Administrative Experts at the European Union

Full document in pdf in English at: – In Italian at:

On Facebook in English at: – In Italian at:

Subject: What are the priority commitments of Members of the European Parliament with respect to saving over 20 million lives from premature cancer death and reducing healthcare costs by over € 2,000 billion in the next 30 years in EUROPE?

Following the email of 7 November 2021 in pdf, on Facebook:, at the Blog:, Dario Crosetto and Valentina Barbuto, Advisor to Member of the European Parliament, on November 8, 2021, at 6 pm in Brussels they had a 45-minute zoom-meeting to which Crosetto replied with the following email an hour after the meeting.

From: <>

Sent: Monday, November 8, 2021 1:03 PM

To: ‘’ <>

Subject: FW: Illogical plan to spend billions of EURO without first proving the cancer screening test intended to be extended to all Europeans to be effective in reducing mortality rate [revised on 11/15/21]

Good evening Dr. Barbuto,

Here is what I have promised, kindly please let me know what are the most urgent or most valuable issues that need attention for the 450 million Europeans compared to addressing and solving:

  • the illogic of spending billions of taxpayers euros without first demonstrating that the screening test that BECA intends to fund and extend to all Europeans is effective in significantly reducing premature cancer death
  • the illogic of promising to defeat cancer without asking those who receive the funds to calculate and measure the effectiveness in reducing cancer deaths through their proposed invention, procedure or device,
  • the illogic of ignoring and not financing my 3D-CBS (3-D Complete Body Screening) invention for 21 years, confirmed by third-party measurements on a less efficient and more expensive copy of my 3D-CBS invention that can detect clusters (small tumors) with only 100 cancer cells, rather than tumors with millions (mm) or one billion (1 cm) of cancer cells
  • the illogic of being ready to spend billions of euros on tests and screening procedures that prove not to be effective:
  1. a) in reducing premature cancer deaths in a sample population in a selected area compared to the premature cancer deaths in previous years in the same area or
  1. b) with respect to premature cancer deaths in another area where the screening test funded by BECA is not used
  • the illogic of the European Union of ignoring for 21 years the 3D-CBS invention, by not responding with logical/scientific arguments and by not funding with a few million EUROS two 3D-CBS units that prove they can save 260 lives per year for each unit, reducing the cost of each life saved from cancer to 1/80, with the potential to save over 20 million lives and over €2,000 billion over the next 30 years, by building 4,000 3D-CBS units over 11 years and 800 additional units over the next 19 years, thus replacing the old units.

Thank you for your interest and for your willingness to hear these facts in today’s 45-minute zoom-meeting.

I trust that you will communicate this important information to the Honorable Piernicola PEDICINI, to the Honorable Michèle RIVASI and that they will communicate it to their colleagues of the BECA Committee so that everyone will be aware of the time, the opportunity to save lives and the money lost unnecessarily.

I will do my best to inform the European Union through the instrument of the petition that you pointed out to me, of which I await information from you, but from what you have mentioned already it seems an ineffective tool to bring to the fore and to the attention of the European Union such an important and urgent problem and it is therefore necessary to inform all members of the European Union so that the subject is addressed with due attention.

If, on the other hand, any member of the European Union signals major problems that are killing prematurely more people, whereby more money is wasted without obtaining results, although there is a solution that is not considered as it is for 3D-CBS, please report these other cases to me and it will be my concern to help alleviate suffering and reduce costs related to the most deadly and costly calamity in the world.

Thank you again for your time and interest during our conversation this morning and consider me at your disposal for any clarification on matters on which you disagree with what I have communicated this morning or with what you find in my documents.

Wishing you a nice day,

Kind Regard,

Dario Crosetto

During the zoom-meeting of November 8, 2021, Dario Crosetto asked the Advisor to Member of the European Parliament, Dr. Valentina Barbuto the following:

  1. Can a citizen send a document to a Member of Parliament or to the Secretariat of the BECA Committee or to a protocol office and receive a protocol number?

The answer was:

NO! It is not possible to receive a reply with a protocol number as it is received from a Municipality or Regional office in Italy which certifies that the document has been filed and can be requested by anyone who refers to the assigned number. (There is the possibility of presenting a petition but it has a rigid structure, it does not allow me to send my documents and even petitions that meet the deadlines can be allowed or disallowed).

  1. Can a citizen send amendments to the draft reportStrengthening Europe in the fight against cancer – Towards a comprehensive and coordinated strategy” (”presented by rapporteur Veronique Trillet-Lenoir on 15 July 2021?

The answer was: NO!

  1. A citizen therefore has only the possibility of asking a Member of the European Parliament to be his spokesperson to make legitimate requests which provide irrefutable benefits to all citizens of the European Union.

How come the members of the BECA Committee, despite being informed about:

  1. the illogic in their strategic plan to defeat cancer that would only impoverish Europeans without providing adequate benefits and
  1. the need to ask specific questions to their experts ( who should take responsibility for analyzing and deciding whether current equipment (mammography, CT, MRI, etc.) that only detect tumors with millions (mm) or one billion (1 cm) of cancer cells are more effective or my 3D-CBS invention, confirmed by third-party measurements that can detect tumors with 100 cancer cells and provide calculations and measurements demonstrating a significant reduction in cancer deaths,

have instead ignored and suppressed such information?

Here are two examples of specific questions that the BECA Committee should have asked their experts and the calculations and measures relative to the reduction of cancer deaths and costs that the European Union, which grants BECA taxpayers’ funds, must ask all those requesting funds with the promise of reducing premature cancer deaths and costs.

Example of questions for Case No. 1:

What test or screening procedure does the expert claiming beating cancer propose to test in a specific territory on a number of people that corresponds to 0.05% of the population of one of the European countries where at the moment only 6% of people at risk are tested? 

What are the calculations that show, before carrying out the experiment, that cancer mortality in that area will be significantly lower than the mortality in areas where this screening procedure was not performed? 

How does the expert plan and carry out this experiment on that sample population in the specific area and how much does it cost? 

If the results show that a significant reduction in cancer mortality is not achieved, does the expert considers it logical to deduce that this screening procedure is ineffective, that it should not be extended to the rest of the population of that country because it would only impoverish everyone and that it must be suspended in other countries where 90% is performed because it is wasted money, but must instead analyze and then test a screening procedure that proves effective on a sample population in a specific territory before extending it to 450 million Europeans?

Example of question for case No. 2:

To remedy the fact that Italy continues to waste 20 billion euros a year on cancer (, without obtaining the results of a reduction in mortality which is instead constant or slightly increasing ( on a population that has been constant for several years (, which screening and treatment strategy would you propose that provide calculations that produce concrete numbers of costs and lives saved year after year for 3, 5, 10, 20, 30 years to compare with the table ( that it will have to be verified year after year with experimental results measured on a sample population in a specific territory?”

Here are the facts that show how the BECA Committee has ignored and suppressed a logical strategy to achieve the touted goal:

Before the presentation of the reportStrengthening Europe in the fight against cancer – Towards a global and coordinated strategy” (” presented on 15 July 2021, by Rapporteur Veronique Trillet-Lenoir, on 13 July 2021, after talking on the phone with the Brussels office for 4 minutes with the assistant of the Honorable Pietro Fiocchi, Member of the BECA Committee and made arrangements where to send the documentation requested, I then sent the following email ( to the Honorable Fiocchi and the Honorable Lenoir.

Previously, on 7th July 2021, my cousin, former Member of the Italian Parliament, Honorable Guido Crosetto was impressed by my post on Facebook (  with the link to the complete document relating to the “DIALOGUE BETWEEN TWO RESPONSIBLE CITIZENS” and had forwarded it with other material relating to my 3D-CBS invention to the Member of the European Parliament, Honorable Pietro Fiocchi, inviting him to present it to the European Parliament.

The Honorable Fiocchi immediately replied via WhatsApp to Guido Crosetto with the message “No problem. I am BECA speaker”.

On July 14, 2021, the day after sending my email to Rapporteur Lenoir (, I phoned her office in Brussels and one of her collaborators answered, who as soon as he heard my name and confirmed he got my email and hung up.

The same day, before the presentation of the report, I spoke again for 9 minutes with the office of the Honorable Fiocchi, receiving confirmation that they had received my material.

On that occasion, the assistant of the Honorable Fiocchi appreciated the work I had done, assuring me that there would be a follow-up and that it would be discussed in further phone calls and emails. However, to my subsequent phone calls on July 30 and August 10, 2021, and to my emails, I have no longer received an answer, even if the Honorable Fiocchi has confirmed receipt of my email of September 8 ( that I had sent to all the Full Members of the BECA Committee.

  1. During the zoom-meeting with the Advisor to Member of the European Parliament on November 8, 2021, Dr. Valentina Barbuto notified me that the period for submitting amendments has been closed. She then explained to me how the procedure works to create a new institution that can appropriate billions of Euros from taxpayers. The European Parliament on June 20, 2020, gave the European Committee to Defeat Cancer (BECA) the task for a year (which then extended by six months with a deadline of December 23, 2021) to create this new institution. She told me that there will be a vote on 6 December 2021 and the regulation will certainly be approved and then there will be a plenary vote in January 2022, but on that occasion there will be no room to bring technical-scientific arguments of calculations and measures of the effectiveness of the strategy as I have proposed in all my emails, but they will only address topics at a high political level.

It is disconcerting that after having pronounced and written in documents for 17 months hundreds of times (and with bibliographic references thousands of times) the goal of wanting to achieve early detection that reduces premature cancer deaths by more than 50%, it was not discussed even once if early diagnosis is achieved with tools that reveal the abnormal biological activity of 100 cancer cells or if they intend to use current tools (mammography, CT scan, MRI, ultrasound, etc.), which are ineffective for early cancer detection because they only detect the change in density of tumors when they have millions of cancer cells (mm) or one billion (1 cm) of cancer cells. Furthermore, the doctor must then perform a biopsy, because these current devices do not provide the doctor with information whether that mass of a few millimeters is an active tumor or an inactive cyst.

Also this time there is the demonstration that what is to the advantage of the citizen does not prevail

  • determined on the basis of the logic of what is most effective in reducing the suffering, deaths and costs of cancer,
  • determined on the basis of scientific evidence,

but those who succeed in ignoring and suppressing transparency and the scientific truth for the benefit of citizens prevail in order to pursue other interests.

The practice of ignoring facts, logic, scientific evidence, not taking responsibility, suppressing the truth and, if necessary, also lying to cover up for the abuse of someone and/or obtain personal advantages of power, prestige or economic interests is unfortunately used in many sectors at all levels.

But sometimes the truth emerges and lays bare many of these illogicalities, irresponsibility, injustices and abuses and “ Whoever deliberately delays and conceals the truth will forever be nailed to history’s pillar of shame” as had been published in many newspapers, televisions and social media following the message released by the Associated Press on January 21, 2020 (

Recently the movie “The Billion Dollar Code” ( released on October 7, 2021 on Netflix presents an example of the truth that lays bare many of these illogicalities, injustices and abuses of the strongest against the weakest. Joachin Sauter, the inventor of Google Earth he called “Terravision”, had publicly presented his idea in 1994 to an international circle of communication experts in Kyoto, eleven years before Google launched Google Earth.

Sauter had tried several times to establish a dialogue with Google to carry out, in a mutual respect agreement, all his ideas that created a revolution in communication and together with Google that could easily penetrate the market they could have introduced it in 1994 and accelerate the benefits to humanity.

But all the promises of contact Sauter had with the Google rep were not kept. Google commanded and imposed its idea in the market while ignoring Sauter. The only way to bring Google to the table for a dialogue of civil mutual respect was to sue them for infringement of his patent that in these David v Goliath cases it requires the investment of a law firm for approximately 10 million dollars. Sauter was good at finding a law firm that risked that amount, but not even justice could prevail.

If this real and compelling story, told in a mistral way by the director, disappoints the viewer’s trust in thinking of living in a civilized, human world, where mutual respect, laws and justice prevail, and the inventions that would have allowed anyone to travel and see the beauties of the planet anywhere in the world, sitting comfortably at home in front of your computer, are hindered, delayed and/or suppressed, what could be the bewilderment of the viewer when someone is using the same tactic to ignore and suppress the dialogue that brings out the truth, blocks innovations that could have already saved millions of lives and billions of dollars?

I respectfully ask you to read the document at of a very recent real story concerning a case in which no diagnostic equipment in ten years has found a primary tumor of 2.5 billion cancer cells in the appendix, despite the patient having had two colonoscopies, CT scan, Ultrasound, etc. It was only discovered when a 7.5 cm secondary ovarian tumor created a pain in the abdomen, after the primary tumor broke its banks and invaded many organs in the peritoneum. This involved pain, vomiting, nausea, the removal of the ovaries, uterus, fallopian tubes, appendix, spleen, two tumors in the liver, it required scraping the colon and pancreatic and to perform the HIPEC procedure which circulated chemotherapy liquid at 106 F degrees for 90 minutes in the peritoneum to kill metastatic cancer cells at 104 F degrees. It involved two operations, two months in hospital after the second operation, over 4 months of tube-feeding and over 5 months of wound dressing every two days.

I respectfully ask you to reflect on why you intend to spend billions of Euros on screening procedures that prove not to be effective for the early detection of all cancers, not even most cancers. Why not even once did you mention how you measure the effectiveness of this early diagnosis that you have mentioned hundreds of times and instead have suppressed the dialogue and information about the possibility of detecting tumors with 100 cancer cells instead of millions (mm) or billions (1 cm) ) from current medical imaging devices?

I respectfully ask you to reflect that it would be convenient for everyone to take a step back and humbly open the doors to transparency and allow dialogue between myself and the 15 experts in early cancer diagnosis who presented their program during the hearing on 23 March 2021 (, the experts met on 3-4 November 2021 in Geneva and Lyon by the 7-member delegation of the BECA Committee (,, the experts who drafted the report ( and the related 1,537 amendments and the strategy for “Beating” ) cancer, which at the moment have no concrete strategic plan that allows to verify the effectiveness of the cancer screening proposed in these documents.

I have carefully examined the documents and presentations of all these experts and I have not found an interactive table that summarizes in one page ( and two pages of explanation, relating to a concrete program with numbers supported by scientific arguments relating to the calculation of the lives saved and the money saved in 30 years, to be verified and corrected every year based on the measurements made on a sample population in a specific territory.

In the event I have missed your document with a concrete program please report it to me. Instead, I have heard the “usual” claims that colon screenings will be implemented without presenting the cost calculation, the risk of perforation of an invasive examination of a single organ, costing over $6,000 ( lasting one hour compared to the non-invasive 2-minute test with the 3D-CBS covering all organs of the body at a cost of only $200 (

All the aforementioned experts are responsible for presenting a concrete strategy and programs with numbers related to the reduction of cancer deaths and related costs and not just the numbers related to the 29.4 million new cases of cancer estimated in 2040 to frighten and justify the billions of euros for cancer.

All the above experts have a responsibility to express their agreement or disagreement supported by their calculations refuting mine in the two pages of description and the table in one page ( to save from cancer over 2, 6 million lives and save over 355 billion euros in ITALY in 30 years, building 450, 3D-CBS units in 8 years. And they have the responsibility to express their agreement or disagreement regarding my strategic plan to save from cancer over 20 million lives and over 2,000 billion euros in EUROPE in 30 years by building 4000, 3D-CBS units in 11 years and an additional 800 units. in the following 19 years thus replacing the old machinery (

All of the above experts instead of promising to defeat cancer with easy talk, they should evaluate my calculations and claims that my 3D-CBS invention is capable of detecting clusters (small tumors) of 100 cancerous cells, as described in my book of 21 years ago (, which was confirmed in 2019 by third parties with measurements made on the copy of my 3D-CBS invention. All experts appointed by the BECA Committee have the responsible task of verifying the calculations and claims in the document ( and confirming or refuting them with their calculations.

The combination of my three inventions 3D-Flow, 3D-CBS and TB-CAD described at, allows you to accurately capture all possible signals from tumor markers at minimum cost for each valid signal captured compared to alternative approaches, because the invention is independent of technology and can use current technology economically more advantageous.

The scientific validity of my inventions and research was endorsed by a Nobel laureate, by the inventor of the pocket calculator, by the inventor of the first 400 MHz microprocessor, from directors, division leaders and group leaders of the most important research centers in the world (CERN, FERMIlab, Superconducting Super Collider. See the 22 full letters signed by these experts at

Based on the calculations reported at ( a 3D-CBS device with components costing less than $2,000,000/device, with a 157cm FOV (detector length) can detect clusters (small tumors) with 100 cancer cells through a $200 screening test ( for 2 minutes and a $ 1,200 clinical exam for 15 minutes. This performance, combined with an existing successful timely cure, can save 260 lives per year for each 3D-CBS device, reducing to 1/80 the cost per each life saved from cancer. The very low radiation required for each exam, equivalent to the radiation received during 3-5 intercontinental flights, allows you to perform different screening tests that will have to be performed on the same equipment, using the same protocol and the same radiation dose.

To avoid false positives, the diagnosis will not rely on a single screening test but on Computer-Aided Diagnosis (CAD) which calculates the trend of abnormalities in different screening tests that will provide valuable information that will be added to the radiologist’s experience. The first screening test provides a basis. Subsequent screenings reveal unique hot spots that show an increase in activity/size of an abnormal biological process that requires more in-depth investigation (15-minute clinical exam).

Pre/post surgery screening tests detect if any cancer cells have been left behind from the surgery and monitor for recurrences at an early, highly treatable stage (See summary in 280 words and three references

All the experts of the BECA Committee, instead of promising to defeat cancer with vague claims of early diagnosis that does not work, should explain that “early” means when the tumor has only 100 cancer cells and not several million or billions of cancer cells. They should explain what equipment or procedure is capable of diagnosing tumors early with only 100 cancer cells and how these equipment or procedures work.

The experts are responsible for providing a concrete strategy that can occur year after year, which for example solves the problem for ITALY that has a cost of cancer of 20 billion euros per year (, while the population is constant ( and the number of cancer deaths per year is slightly increasing rather than decreasing ( This shows that €20 billion a year is not being spent effectively to reduce deaths and costs.

Or, another example, which demonstrates that you have an effective screening test that covers all the organs of the body to be tested on a sample population in which only 6% of people at risk are currently tested and demonstrate that these screening tests are effective in reducing cancer mortality.

On December 6th, 2021, each member of the BECA Commission will be called to vote on the final report by Veronique Trillet-Lenoir to create the new institution within the European Union “Beating Cancer” (BECA) with the objective and task of defeating cancer, using billions of euros of taxpayers to implement the program and strategy described in the report which aims to reduce cancer mortality by more than 50% through early diagnosis.

I ask everyone to put a hand on their conscience and try to think what they will say to their grandchildren and great-grandchildren and to future generations, in the light of the undeniable facts described above which provide the evidence which the effective tool for the early diagnosis of cancer has not been discussed, has not been examined and which has not been identified. 

Indeed, scientific transparency has been suppressed, dialogue has been prevented to discuss whether an early diagnosis means having an instrument capable of detecting 100 cancer cells and then following the trend with various low cost and very low radiation tests to understand if the activity of this tumor increases and thus being able to make an informed choice and avoid false positives.

It is as if one wanted to take a plane trip without having a plane. Or as if Christopher Columbus wanted to go to the Indies (America) without thinking that he will need three caravels but continuing to ask Queen Isabella of Castile for taxpayers’ money to pay swimmers, convincing them to swim west by promising that they will find gold and riches and they will live like nabobs, even though Christopher Columbus knew instead that they will die in the enterprise because the promises are not logical.

Instead of suppressing the dialogue with me, if we work together and you allow me to make a presentation to the BECA Committee, at that point using your logic and that of your experts, TOGETHER we will have the STRENGTH to Defeat Cancer.

When I told the Advisor to Member of the European Parliament, Dr. Valentina Barbuto that between 27 November 2021 and 23 December 2021, I will go to Italy from the USA where I have lived for 30 years, but I am an Italian and American citizen with a double passport and I would have liked to meet some political representatives among the 750 Members of the European Parliament and the 400 Members of the Italian Parliament, she replied that they are all extremely busy and that it will hardly be possible to organize a meeting with some parliamentarians.

At this point I extend my request to all 1,150 Parliamentarians asking what are the priority commitments with respect to saving, in the next 30 years, over 20 million lives from premature death from cancer and over €2,000 billion in EUROPE and saving over 2.6 million lives from cancer and over € 355 billion in ITALY, hoping to receive the availability of some parliamentarian for a meeting and address this problem in a logical and human way.

Thanks for the attention.


Dario Crosetto

Presidente della Crosetto Foundation for the Reduction of Cancer Deaths

900 Hideaway Pl.

DeSoto, TX 75115 – USA


On November 7th, 2021, I submitted to the Members of the European Beating Cancer Committee (BECA):

Full document in pdf in English at: – In Italian:

On Facebook in English at: – In Italian at:

On the Web-Site in English at: – In Italian at:

Subject: Illogical plan to spend billions of EURO without first proving the cancer screening test intended to be extended to all Europeans to be effective in reducing mortality rate

Why BECA is planning to spend billions of EURO on screening procedures not effective to reduce cancer deaths and costs and is not funding my 3D-CBS that can prove saving millions of lives and trillions of EURO?


It is illogical to plan to spend billions of EURO of taxpayer money to extend to all Europeans a breast cancer screening test and many other screening tests that cannot provide effectiveness in reducing cancer deaths without first proving the screening test intended to be extended to all Europeans to be effective in reducing mortality rate more than 50% on a sample population.


Besides illuding and deceiving 90% of the people in high risk groups of the countries who perform those screening tests, extending to the other 6% it is only impoverishing everyone else?


450 million Europeans want to know from scientists what works best
in reducing suffering, deaths and costs of cancer


EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT – Parliamentary questions

21 June 2021 (Translated in 24 languages)


The answer is provided through the Dialogue


Dialogue between Dario Crosetto and BECA experts in strategies showing calculations and scientific evidence on how each project/procedure can quantitatively reduce cancer deaths and costs in 3, 5, 10, 20, 30 years and compare it with the 3D-CBS invention/project


On October 31st, 2021, I submitted to the Members of the European Beating Cancer Committee (BECA):

Full document in pdf in English at: – In Italian at:

On Facebook in English at: – In Italian at:

On the Web-Site in English at: – In Italian at:


Dear member of the BECA committee,


It is illogical to plan to spend billions of EURO of taxpayer money funding proposals and strategies claiming to Beat Cancer without requesting a plan estimating the efficacy of each proposal and strategy in reducing cancer deaths and healthcare costs and, after funding a plan to measure such efficacy on a sample population in a specific location showing significant reduction in cancer deaths and costs compare to the years before in the same location and compared to other locations where such plan is not implemented.


The answer is provided through the Dialogue


Dialogue between Dario Crosetto and IEEE at the Workshop:

Challenges moving from the lab bench to clinical practice for nuclear medicine

held online from Japan on 23 October 2021


Following I am providing the result of the Dialogue at the most important international conference in the world in this field with scientists who have the responsibility to determine scientifically what works best in reducing cancer deaths and costs.


In pdf at: Screenshots at:, in-depth dialogue at:


On Sept. 27th, 2021, I submitted to the Members of the European Beating Cancer Committee (BECA):

Full document in pdf in English at:

On Facebook in English at:

On the Web-Site in English at:


Subject: Letter to EU-BECA Committee in regard the 27 Sept. 2021 meeting’s objective: “Turning the tide on cancer: the view of the National Parliaments on Europe’s Beating Cancer Plan“. Submission of a plan to save from cancer over 2.6 million lives and over €355 billion in ITALY and over 20 million lives and over €2 trillion in EUROPE in 30 years. I respectfully request to allow me to present my strategic plan in an oral presentation to the members of the BECA Committee and give me the opportunity to answer their questions.


Dear Honorable Bartosz ARLUKOWICZ, Dear Honorable Véronique TRILLET – LENOIR


  1. line-by-line questions/comments to items 31-41 of the Chapter II of your BECA DRAFT 2020/2267(INI) ( My questions/comments can be found in the pdf document at: or below in an image document


  1. irrefutable references that ITALY has a cancer cost of €20 billion per year, while the population is constant and the number of cancer deaths per year are slightly increasing instead of decreasing. This proves that the €20 billion per year are not spent effectively to reduce cancer deaths and costs. 


  1. I am providing a detailed strategic plan that can be tested with existing, very expensive devices at a very high cost of $10,000 per examination, which are copies of my 3D-CBS invention. However, funding my 3D-CBS invention then will cost only $200 per screening test, my claims of the lives and money saved can be verified experimentally on 0.02% of the European population (90,000 people per year) and then extend it to the 450 million population.


  1. I am providing the summary of the strategic plan to save from cancer over 2.6 million lives and over €355 billion in ITALY in 30 years by building 450 units 3D-CBS in 8 years and additional 100 units in the following 22 years to replace the old machines. 


  1. I am providing the summary of the strategic plan to save from cancer over 20 million lives and over €2 trillion in EUROPE in 30 years by building 4000 units 3D-CBS in 11 years and additional 800 units in the following 19 years to replace the old machines.

On September 8th, 2021, I submitted to the Members of the European Beating Cancer Committee (BECA):

Full document in pdf in English at:

On Facebook in English at:

On the Web-Site in English at:


On July 15th, 2021, I submitted to the Members of the European Beating Cancer Committee (BECA):

Full document in pdf in English at:

On Facebook in English at:

On the Web-Site in English at:

Dear Honorable Véronique TRILLET – LENOIR and Honorable Pietro Fiocchi,


Before your meeting, when BECA Rapporteur Véronique Trillet-Lenoir presented her draft report “Strengthening Europe in the fight against cancer – towards a comprehensive and coordinated strategy” ( to the Members of the Beating Cancer Committee and with John-F Ryan, Director Public Health, DG SANTE, I sent you the letter available at the above links:

Following I provide more details about each of the above items submitted on September 27th, 2021, however, I would like to have the opportunity to explain more details and answer your questions in an oral presentation.


  1. line-by-line questions/comments to items 31-41 of the Chapter II of your BECA DRAFT 2020/2267(INI) (



  1. Global annual cancer cost in Italy vs. mortality rate:

ITALY spends €20 billion per year on cancer (, while the only time that there has been a decrease in cancer deaths in Italy has been treaty of 1,134 lives saved between 2012 and 2013 (, while in other years cancer deaths increased in the absence of a population increase (, so the €20 billion/year mainly increased the cancer business (while there are people on the front line who give body and soul, work for free, and some even give their lives, such as doctors, nurses, law enforcement, and public service workers who died of COVID-19 to save others, even without resources, to alleviate cancer suffering and mortality).


  1. An exam on the EXPLORER costs over $10,000 ( instead of $200 on the 3D-CBS (, 50 times less). Funding my 3D-CBS invention then will cost only $200 per screening test, my claims of the lives and money saved can be verified experimentally on 0.02% of the European population (90,000 people per year) and then extend it to the 450 million population. Anyone claiming a reduction of cancer death and cost, whether a drug, vaccine, diagnostic device combined with treatment, etc., should present a plan to test at least 10,000 people ages 55-74 taken from a location where the cancer mortality rate has been constant for the past 20 years. A difference or no difference in the mortality rate will quantify the success or failure of the proposed solution. Taking as reference experimental data confirmed by WHO (World Health Organization), NCI (National Cancer Institute) and ACS (American Cancer Society) as well as many universities that cancer has a survival rate of up to 98% when detected at an early stage, and assuming a conservative figure for the 3D-CBS to offer a success rate above 58%, then each 3D-CBS device is expected to save over 260 lives each year, according to the calculations described below. Assuming the death rate in the age group 55 to 74 for the past 20 years is 0.5% in the location where the test is planned (this data can be verified), then of the 90,000 individuals, 450 are expected to die. If we apply the factor 58% survival rate due to early detection with the 3D-CBS device combined with successful treatment, each year the 3D-CBS device could save over 260 lives (450 x 58% = 261).


  1. I am providing the summary of the strategic plan to save from cancer over 2.6 million lives and over €355 billion in ITALY in 30 years by building 450 units 3D-CBS in 8 years and additional 100 units in the following 22 years to replace the old machines.

Grafico della stima delle vite salvate e del business per 30 anni quando si utilizza l-apparecchiatura 3D-CBS. Sullo sfondo e’ riportata la tabella da cui sono stati generati i grafici a cui si può accedere e modificare in modo interattivo all’indirizzo: Questa tabella è uno strumento molto potente per progettare un piano strategico per diversi dispositivi (EXPLORER, 3D-CBS, Siemens Biograph Vision Quadra, ecc.), prodotti, vaccini, farmaci o procedure e calcolare l’efficacia in 30 anni nell’obiettivo di ridurre la mortalità prematura da cancro ed i costi relativi stimati teoricamente nella riga 16. Effettuando misure anno dopo anno su apparecchiature reali e implementando il protocollo di test proposto, i valori nella riga 16 vengono corretti fornendo una stima più piu’ precisa del numero totale di vite salvate e costi risparmiati in 30 anni. L’utente di questa tabella deve introdurre i valori nelle righe 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 e 12, che sono facili da determinare da calcoli riferiti a dati sperimentali o prodotti esistenti. I dati introdotti nella riga 13 che stimano il numero totale di unità prodotte ogni anno per raggiungere 564 unità in 30 anni potrebbero incontrare lo stesso scetticismo del COVID-19 dell’anno scorso. Tuttavia, quando il mondo si rende conto dell’importanza e dell’urgenza di salvare milioni di vite, anche i problemi più difficili vengono risolti. Se in meno di un anno diverse aziende sono state in grado di produrre miliardi di vaccini, maschere e PPE per combattere il COVID-19, il problema di produrre 564 unità 3D-CBS sembrerebbe un lavoro relativamente facile.

  1. I am providing the summary of the strategic plan to save from cancer over 20 million lives and over €2 trillion in EUROPE in 30 years by building 4000 units 3D-CBS in 11 years and additional 800 units in the following 19 years to replace the old machines

Graph of the estimated lives saved and revenues plan for 30 years when using the 3D-CBS device. In the background is the table from which the graphs have been generated that can be accessed and modified interactively at: This table is a very powerful tool to design a strategic plan for different devices (EXPLORER, 3D-CBS, Siemens Biograph Vision Quadra, etc.), products, vaccines, drugs, or procedures, and calculate the efficacy over 30 years for the proposed claimed reductions in cancer deaths and costs estimated theoretically in row 16. As measurements are performed year after year on real devices and by implementing the proposed test protocol, values in row 16 are corrected providing a more accurate estimate of the total number of lives and costs saved in 30 years. The user of this table needs to introduce the values in rows 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, and 12, which are easy to determine from calculations referring to existing experimental data or products. Data introduced in row 13 estimating the total number of units manufactured each year to reach 4,809 units in 30 years might face the same skepticism as COVID-19 faced last year. However, when the world realizes the importance and urgency of saving millions of lives, even the most challenging problems are solved. If in less than one year several companies were able to produce billions of COVID-19 vaccines, masks, and PPEs, the problem of producing 4,809 3D-CBS units would be a comparatively easy job.

I assumed that Ms Gabriel who provided the written answer to the Parliamentary Question -E-003244/2021 must be an expert on Cancer, member of the BECA committee. It would be important to have a dialogue with her, could you provide her family name and her contact information so we could organize a public debate on this very important issue?

I am looking forward to receive your response indicating a date and time I can present my strategic plan at the European Beating Cancer Committee in Brussels.

Kind Regards,

Dario Crosetto

President of the Crosetto Foundation for the reduction in cancer deaths –

DeSoto, TX 75115 – USA