Information, Awareness, Prevention / United to End Cancer

we can defeat cancer

Benefits to humanity are provided through
the DIALOGUE Concerning the Two Systems:

Saving Lives or Increasing Cancer Business

between D.B. CROSETTO and the POWER,
stimulated by the CURIOUS journalist.

We can defeat cancer together by requesting anyone claiming an idea to defeat cancer to provide a study and, after receiving funding, testing it on a sample population in a specific area showing a significant cancer death reduction.

The 3D-CBS invention capable to detect tumors of only 100 cancerous cells was boycotted for 20 years. Now that has been proven correct by third parties and an exam on the less efficient copies cost $10,000, how many needless additional deaths will it take to prove Crosetto’s claim his invention can perform an exam costing only $200 and save millions of lives with the TB-CAD (Computer-Aided Diagnosis)?

A Premature Death
Every 4 Seconds

# Killed by Cancer since
Crosetto's invention that
could have saved millions

Crosetto has authored an open letter, available in both Italian and English, which spans two pages and is supported by a 60-page document (accessible here). This letter was distributed at various events in RomeBolognaBrescia, and Fort Worth (Texas) to inform citizens about scientific truths and to promote his research in the fight against cancer.

Why over 20 million preventable deaths needlessly died?

Suppression of public dialogue and a lack of transparency over the past 20 years by some decision makers prevented the emergence of scientific truth for the benefit of humanity, leading to the imposition of non-scientific opinions which were proven wrong by experimental results years later.

They prevented others from presenting their work and challenging their incorrect opinions in a public debate causing the loss of many lives and money.

Similar to Galileo’s Dialogue Concerning the Two Chief World Systems that he carried on in a simple language understandable to the public we should address the Dialogue Concerning the Two Systems:

«Saving Lives or Increasing Cancer Business»

between D.B. CROSETTO and the POWER (Scientists, Governments, Money), stimulated by the CURIOUS journalist.

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Publications: Scientific Articles

Publications: Articles in Newspapers, Magazine and Social Media

Video: Most Significant


Crosetto’s inventions, appreciated and endorsed by top world experts in the field and other professionals.

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Here are excerpts from a few letters with the reference to their entirety which represent less than 50% of the entire set:

Our Mission

“Significantly Reduce Premature Cancer Deaths at a Lower Cost per Life Saved Compared to Current Cost”

Through out the years (since 2000) Crosetto’s inventions have been featured in many news outlets.

On May 12, 2011, the Press Release of the Leonardo da Vinci Prize competition with a link to a letter supporting the 3D-CBS invention signed by scientists and experts in the filed addressed to President Barack Obama was distributed to 400 media outlets as reported at this link

169 newspapers

34 News Services

16 Magazine & Periodicals 74 Television

36 Radio

71 Online

Among these, the Press Release was published on 255 web sites (see 19EN) with a total traffic of 374 million visits/months Mobile phones Posting.

On May 26, 2011, an addition Press Release related to the same competition, reporting the letter to President Obama, was distributed to over 6000 media outlets reported at    . This PR was 20EN published on 241 web sites (see 21EN) with a total traffic of 368 million visits/months Mobile phones Posting.

Therefore, Crosetto and his supporters certainly cannot be held responsible for not having informed the decision makers about the existence since 2000 of his inventions that the measurements carried out by third parties in 2019 on copies of his inventions confirm that they could have already saved millions of lives, but which are still not funded for that purpose today.